Quick Guide to Workers’ Comp Insurance for Self-employed


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Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that helps pay for workers who are injured on the job. It’s also known as “employee benefits” or “employer-provided health insurance.” If you’re self-employed, then you may be eligible for this kind of coverage at work. However, there are some important distinctions between the two types of workers’ comp: employer-provide vs. employee-provide.

What is Workers’ Comp?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that protects workers from occupational injuries and illnesses. It’s often referred to as “workers’ comp,” but you may hear other terms used interchangeably, including:

  • Workers’ compensation insurance—this is what most people think about when they think about workers’ comp (although some employers will refer to their policy as “health insurance” if they have other health plans).
  • Occupational disease—an occupational disease is any illness or injury caused by the job itself, not something like cancer or heart disease that can be traced back to lifestyle choices.

How Does Insurance Work?

Workers’ comp insurance is a way to protect you, your employees, and your business.

The most common type of workers’ compensation coverage is known as general liability or commercial general liability (CGL) insurance. It covers damage caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness in two ways:

  • First, if an employee injures themselves on the job—for example, by slipping on wet flooring—their employer will be responsible for paying out their medical bills. The cost of this can be considered if an injury goes beyond its initial scope (for example, if it involves surgery). That’s why it’s important to make sure that all employees understand how much workers’ comp insurance costs so they know how much money they need to save up before starting their new career path; otherwise they may find themselves unable to pay off their medical bills after getting injured at work!
  • Second, if someone breaks into your office while you’re away from home (or anywhere else), then this could result in damages being paid out by both sides: firstly because there was some sort of intruder entering through unauthorized means; secondly because now there will probably be damage done inside due either directly or indirectly due to said entry point being compromised somehow.”

How Much Does Workers’ Comp Cost?

Workers’ comp costs vary by state, but they can be as much as $2,000 a month. In some states, workers’ comp can be as much as 10 times more expensive than the average monthly premiums for health insurance or life insurance.

The Facts About Your Workers’ Comp Options.

Workers’ comp is a type of insurance that covers you and your employees if they are injured at work. It’s different from medical insurance, which covers the cost of any healthcare services you need as an employer or employee.

To qualify for workers’ comp, you must have at least one employee who works for your company on a regular basis. The injured person does not have to be your employee; he or she can be someone else who works for another company but has been hired by yours to do specific tasks (for example, cleaning up after a construction site). If this applies to you and there is an injured employee in your employ currently (or who worked there within six months), then it may be worth considering getting workers comp coverage through that person’s employer rather than purchasing it yourself through an individual policy.

This quick guide will help you understand how to get workers’ comp and how much it costs.

Workers’ compensation is insurance that protects employees from being injured on the job. If you’re an employer, this means that your business won’t be liable for medical bills and lost wages if one of its employees gets hurt at work.

Although there are many different types of workers’ comp policies available, we’ll focus on two main options: short-term disability (STD) and long-term disability (LTD). STD pays out a set amount to help cover any related expenses such as travel expenses for rehabilitation or loss of income while recovering from a work injury; LTD pays out more but requires payment within 30 days after receiving notice from your doctor about being unable to return to work because of an injury sustained during service with your company.

The cost of STD coverage depends on how much time off was taken by the employee before applying for benefits and whether or not they had any dependents living with them at the time they were injured (elderly parents). For example: if someone takes 3 months off without pay due to no fault of their own—and then has 2 years left in their career with another employer who happens upon bad news about his health—then it might cost $500 per month after taxes paid directly into an account set up specifically for payments towards STD premiums owed throughout those two years following separation.”


We hope you found this guide helpful! If you have any questions or would like to discuss your situation with one of our experts, reach out using the form below. We’re happy to help in any way possible.

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